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idc886 发表于 2011-10-29 14:27

DH又封杀织梦站,包括织梦5.7版。 还有DH空间上phpwind论坛站也出了问题。如何解决?

[b][color=red]上次6月份 DH封杀织梦站分析:[/color][/b]

[url=http://www.idc866.com/thread-12878-1-1.html]DH空间全面封杀织梦站。 DreamHost上用织梦建站全挂了。如何解决!如何重做[/url]


收到邮件:  DreamHost Security Alert - Insecure Software
2011年10月28日(星期五) 上午8:16


During a scan of our servers we have identified that your DreamHost account is hosting an insecure website which may be targeted for malicious purposes or has already been compromised.

You appear to have an insecure version of the popular DedeCMS software on our server. Due to an increase in attacks against this software we have been forced to disable insecure versions until the webmasters are able to address this matter and upgrade their sites the a secure version. The current version of DeDeCMS is 5.7 released on 2011-10-15.
/home/ch***6/ch****.cn (Insecure Version: V57)

We have disabled any insecure sites found until you are able to address this matter, this is for the safety of our servers and the customers you share them with.  We will require that you take a few minutes to address this matter and secure your account from further abuse.

Please note that re-enabling these insecure sites may result in the disablement of your account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support staff (make your subject line include ATTN: Security) and we will be more than happy to assist you with securing your sites.

The DreamHost security team




/ home/ch***/ch***.cn(不安全的版本:V57)





idc886 发表于 2011-10-29 14:28

FTP里网站目录被改为 长长的目录

这个站,我们是使用的织梦程序 5.7版。。  上次更新时间是 8.15版本。  
[b]并且关闭了 会员注册、删除了 member 目录。[/b]

来信也是提示 用的 5.7,但是提示织梦的最新版本是 10.15版本。
可能DH 是以检测 那个版本文件来判断的。

前段时间用的(Version: V56),DH来信说要升级到DeDeCMS is 5.7.
看来DH,也一直没闲着。 这次是5.7,还要升级到最新。

自行把 FTP里目录改回原来的,并且在后台执行在线升级。。升级到10.15版本。
(我们原版本是5.7版8.15日的   可后台在线直接升级)

这次,还删除了那个 织梦程序的版本号文件。。看下次还提示不。




已更新到 最新版本。
DeDeCMS is 5.7 released on 2011-10-15.

/ home/ch****/ch***.cn
Updated to the latest version.
DeDeCMS is 5.7 released on 2011-10-15.
Please test!
Thank you!

idc886 发表于 2011-10-29 14:28

DH空间上phpwind论坛站也出了问题了 如何解决。

2011年9月12日(星期一) 几个PW论坛站也出现了问题。。。


We have received a report of what appears to be a pharmacy redirect page that has been uploaded to your account. It would appear that malicious have found a way to upload spam pages as well as backdoors to your site(s) at the following location(s):


We have disabled the page(s) in question (via removing their permissions, e.g.. chmod) until you are able to address this matter.
We also identified the following files that are known to be backdoors (likely this is how the attackers gained access) or spam pages on your site:

The existence of these pages on your website(s) is likely a sign you have been compromised, and we empathize with your problem, getting a site hacked really is no fun (but we hope this notification helps prevent this matter from being any worse.) Investigating similar attacks we have found that this specific type of compromise is connected with sites that have insecure permission on foldres and may be running insecure 3rd party software (including plugins and/or themes) under your account. I would highly recommend that you:

- Update any 3rd party software under the account, including content management systems, gallery software, weblogging tools, etc. Be sure to use current, secure versions and keep them up-to-date.
- Update any plugins and/ot themes on your sites (Recent attacks against websites have targetted vulnerable software such as timthumb.php which is included in wordpress themes, seperate from the core files)
- Check your website(s) files for any signs of tampering (file timestamps show recent editing) or files you did not upload yourself and remove them. Looking at the reported files above should give you a good starting point.
- Check your website(s) files for any 777 directories, (e.g.. a directory that allows anyone on the server to write or edit the files in the directory; these permissions will look like rwxrwxrwx via the command line)
- Change your FTP password(s). Be sure they are at least 8 characters in length and do not contain English words. Random numbers and letters work best.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or contact our support staff (make your subject line include ATTN: Security) and we will be more than happy to assist you with securing your sites.
The DreamHost security team

idc886 发表于 2011-10-29 14:48



网站目录里被上传了 oldtemp.php 这个文件,


这次是只针对 PW论坛  的入侵,可能是利用 PW论坛漏洞吧。
不过 PW论坛 是7.3版本,  好久未做更新了。

如果是FTP密码被破,那同FTP下其它网站也会被上传木马的。这次只 PW论坛站。

[b]注:为了安全,账户密码、FTP密码、MYSQL密码 都要搞成不同的哦。切记。[/b]

因为那个 oldtemp.php   文件被改为 000属性了。
我们无法 下载下来分析这个文件。

所以无法下载日志来分析 他们利用这个文件做了什么。


就是从PW 7.3版 升级到8.7版本,要经过好几次升级,PW升级又慢。麻烦。
PW网站现在都升级成 8.7版本。  看他还被入侵不!

wodo 发表于 2011-10-29 20:16


雨夜里 发表于 2011-10-29 20:59

呵呵 据说最新版也有BUG啊~  用了没安全感~

idc886 发表于 2011-10-30 23:28

收到 DH回复了:


Thanks for taking care of this quickly. If you have updated the software
there, you may reenable the site. You can do this by just renaming the
directory back to its original name. If we find a further problem we will
let you know.

On Fri, 28 Oct 2011, you wrote:

-------------------------------------- GG翻译




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