[code]Subject: Your website is 2 weeks old now
Today is exactly 2 weeks since we have setup your domain 'xjie.comuv.com' :)
Did you know about our premium hosting service?
- It includes a premium domain name such as yourdomain.com absolutely free
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- 2 cool website builders will be included
- Over 160 scripts such as forums, blogs, e-shops will be ready to install in 1 Click
All is just for $4.84 per month (all credit cards and PayPal accepted).
To register go to http://www.000webhost.com/upgrade or open our premium hosting website Hosting24.com directly.
Client Manager
You have received this email because you are using our free web hosting services.
To unsubscribe click on http://members.000webhost.com/unsubscribe.php?key=YW5TNTVhTUVQTjQ9[/code] 免费没保障╮(╯_╰)╭ 免费的删你是没有这么多理由的 最多说你违规~ 具体什么规则几不清楚了~ 你自己登录 000帐户看看 就知道了。 我的两个三蛋蛋还健在,现在又翻出第三个,我得好好保护的哦。\(^o^)/~ 用免费空间赌的是人品,我用三蛋作了一个WP博客站,放的都是WP插件相关的内容,还是无通知删除了,群里面有站长放成人论坛,都快一年了还是活的好好的 [b]回复 [url=http://www.idc866.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=96171&ptid=14019]6#[/url] [i]92free[/i] [/b]
真假啊? 这都没事{:2_25:}